2024-05-04 周六 受膏者拯救以色列(二)





在末三年半里,敌基督要发动列国的军队包围耶路撒冷,从波斯拉到米吉多山(哈米吉顿; 启十六16)以耶路撒冷为中心的整个区域,要被军队所占领。基督再来时,会降临波斯拉,从那里开始祂要踹酒醡,毁灭一切的军队。藉此,祂就拯救以色列脱离毁灭。




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The Anointed Saves Israel (2) — Rev. 14:19-20

The Anointed of Jehovah Treads the Great Winepress to Save Israel from the Nations

The word winepress in Isaiah 63:2 and in Revelation 14:19-20 and 19:15 refers to the war at Armageddon. Isaiah 63 reveals that in His coming back Christ will save Israel from destruction.

During the last three and a half years of this age, Antichrist will persecute the Jews to the uttermost, with the intention of completely destroying Israel. Prior to that time, nearly all of Israel will be brought back to the Holy Land. Then, before the tribulation, Antichrist will make a seven-year covenant of peace with Israel so that they may have their freedom. But after three and a half years, Antichrist will change his mind and will oppose every kind of religion, including Judaism and Roman Catholicism. After destroying Catholicism, Antichrist will attempt to destroy the Jewish religion.

At the end of the last three and a half years, Antichrist will cause the armies of the nations to surround Jerusalem. With Jerusalem as the center will be occupied by armies. In His coming back, Christ will descend to Bozrah, and beginning there He will tread the winepress, destroying all the armies. In this way He will rescue Israel from destruction.

To Bring in the Time of Restoration — The Millennial Kingdom Unto the New Heavens and New Earth

Finally, when Christ returns, He will bring in the time of restoration – the millennial kingdom unto the new heavens and new earth (Isa. 65:17-25; 66:22; Rev. 20:4-6). At Christ’s coming back, He will burn the world and tread the great winepress, which includes Antichrist. By doing these two things, He will clear up the whole earth. Then He will bring in God’s kingdom to this earth, and that will be the time of restoration.

The returned, repentant Jews will enjoy that restoration, and the overcoming Christians will be in the heavenly part of the kingdom of the heavens. The Jews will remain on this earth to enjoy God’s creation, which was damaged but will be restored by Christ’s second coming. That restoration will usher in the new heaven and new earth.