2024-05-03 周五 受膏者拯救以色列(一)



在基督第一次来时,耶和华膏了祂(赛六一1下,太三16)。当基督受浸时,祂从水里上来,神的灵以仿佛鸽子的形体降在祂身上(路三21-22)。今天在我们身上的那灵不是在看得见的形状里。但在耶稣受浸那天,那灵以仿佛鸽子的形体降在祂身上。这是非常引人注意的。在耶稣受浸以后,那灵临到祂身上,这就是以赛亚六十一章一节的应验; 这应验得完成,为要膏新王并将祂引荐给祂的子民。那膏抹的灵在祂第二次来临时仍要作工。


首先,祂被膏要传好信息(福音)给困苦的人(赛六一1中)。第二,祂被膏要去缠裹伤心的人(赛六一1下),第三,去宣扬被掳的得释放,被囚的眼睛得开启(赛六一1末)。第四,基督被膏去宣扬耶和华悦纳人的禧年,和我们神报仇的日子(赛六一2上)。悦纳人的禧年是向着神子民的; 报仇的日子是向着神子民之仇敌的。当基督再来到以色列那里时,那对他们乃是悦纳的禧年,而向他们的仇敌,敌基督并其跟从者,乃是报仇的日子。




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The Anointed Saves Israel (1) – Isa. 63:9

Jehovah Having Anointed Christ

He anointed Christ in His first coming. When Christ was baptized, He rose up from the water, and the Spirit of God came upon Him in a bodily form as a dove (Luke 3:21-22). Today the Spirit upon us is not in a visible figure. But on the day of Jesus’ baptism, the Spirit came upon Him in a bodily form as a dove. It was very striking. The Spirit’s coming upon Jesus after His baptism was the fulfillment of Isaiah 61:1 and was carried out to anoint the new King and introduce Him to His people. That anointing Spirit will still work in His second coming.

The Purpose of Anointing Christ

First, He was anointed to bring good news, the gospel, to the afflicted, the suffering ones (Isa. 61:1c). Second, He was anointed to bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted (Isa. 61:1d) and third, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the release of those who are bound (Isa. 61:1e). Fourth, Christ was anointed to proclaim the acceptable year of Jehovah and the day of vengeance of our God (Isa. 61:2a). The acceptable year is toward God’s people; the day of vengeance is toward the enemies of God’s people. When Christ comes again to Israel, that will be the acceptable year to them and also the day of God’s vengeance over the enemies of God’s people, Antichrist and his followers.

The Anointed of Jehovah Rends the Heavens and Comes to Save Israel from the Nations

He will rend the heavens and come to save Israel from the nations (Isa. 63:9; 64:1). The heavens will be rended, and there will be a wide opening for the Angel of the presence of Jehovah to appear, to come to the earth. By that time He will no longer be a tender plant. He will be so great.

In the future Antichrist and his armies will do their best to slaughter the people of Israel. According to Zechariah they will slaughter two-thirds of them, so only one-third will be left (Zech. 13:8-9). Out of this one-third, half of the city of Jerusalem will be captured (Zech.14:2). Then the Lord will return to fight against and defeat Antichrist and his armies.