2024-05-07 周二 神的建造









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God’s Building – Eph. 2:21-22

God’s Building Is God’s Heart Desire and the Goal of God’s Salvation

When it comes to God’s heart desire, God is full of feelings and has His pleasure. God’s heart desire is a building, which is His corporate expression, which is also the goal of God’s salvation. The goal of God’s salvation is a building (Exo. 25:8, Matt. 16:18, 1 Pet. 2:2-5).

Ephesians 2 chapter is a microcosm of the entire book of Exodus. At that time, man was dead in sin and under the power of the world, and his labor was meaningless. The Lord prepared the apostle Moses, a type of Christ, to bring Israelis out of Egypt through the Passover to a separated place of the wilderness. Israelis ate manna in order to reconstitute them with divine elements, and drank the living water flowing from the smitten rock. The purpose of doing these was to build-up the tabernacle, God’s dwelling place.

Ephesians chapter 2 says that we were dead in our trespasses and sins, following the prince of the power of the air, having no hope and without God in the world. However, God is so merciful that because of His great love for us, He made us alive together with Christ even when we were dead in our trespasses. He saved us for us to enter into the Triune God. The purpose of this salvation is the temple and the dwelling place of God. God saving us is for the building.

God’s building is the expression of God as life in the corporate body (Eph. 2:21-22, 4:15-16, Rev. 4:2-3, 21:11, 18a). In a very real sense, the profound revelation of the entire Bible can be summarized in two words: one is life, which is Christ as the Spirit. The second is building, which is Christ being wrought into us. When Christ, as the life-giving Spirit, works into us, what is produced is the building.

The word “building”, according to our usage, is the corporate expression of the Triune God. In order for us to be a part of God’s building in reality, we must be corporate in the constitution. We can no longer separate ourselves and remain in individualism. We may be gathered together, but according to our internal constitute, we are not a corporation. We still feel distant and unfamiliar with each other. If we are saved more in life, we will know by the sense of life that we are not a complete entity but part of a corporation. We cannot live without other members. The reason why we are transformed is for the expression of this corporation.