2024-05-06 周一 神的居所









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God’s Dwelling Place – Matt. 16:18

The Central Thought of the Bible

The central thought of ​​the Bible is that God is seeking a building, a living constituent of people who have been redeemed by Him and mingled with Him (Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:21-22; 4:16). This is not a word given lightly. This building is the consummation of all the visions and revelations of the Bible.

The First Vision of the Bible – The Vision of God’s Dwelling Place

The first vision in the Bible is Jacob’s dream in Genesis chapter 28. It is the vision of Bethel, a dwelling place of God. We must apply the principles first mentioned in the Bible. The first time the Bible mentions a matter, it establishes the principle for how it will be followed in the future. The first vision is a vision of building. The principle here is that from Genesis chapter 28 onwards, all spiritual visions in the Bible are about God’s building.

First there is Genesis chapter 28, then there is the building-up of the tabernacle (Exo. 35-40), the building-up of the temple (1 Kings 6), the building-up of the restored temple (Ezra 3-6), and then there is the Son of God Christ Himself came as the tabernacle of God (John 1:14) and the temple of God (2:21), and it was enlarged into the church as the house of God in His resurrection (1 Timothy 3:15-16), which will be consummated in the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2). This is the central thought of the Bible. This thought must enter into our thinking to control our concepts, minds and opinions.

God’s heart desire is to gain a group of people to become a spiritual building to express Him and to represent Him in order to deal with His enemies and restore the lost land. Genesis 1:26 was accomplished by a group of such people. They were spiritually built, had the reality of God’s image, represented God with God’s authority, and restored the lost land by dealing with the enemy.