2024-05-02 周四 耶和华受膏者预言的应验(二)








以赛亚六十一章一节上半说,“主耶和华的灵在我身上。”当基督第一次来临时,主耶和华的灵在祂身上; 当祂第二次来临时,这灵也要在祂身上。当主耶稣第二次来临时,显著的意义乃是主耶和华的灵在祂身上。这里以赛亚特别加上“主”这辞。这不仅是耶和华的灵,更是主耶和华的灵。这样一位的灵将在要来之耶稣的身上。

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The Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Anointed of Jehovah (2) — Luke 4:20-21

The Age of Grace is a Foretaste of the Age of Restoration

Hebrews 6:5 tells us that the age of grace is a foretaste of the power of the coming age. Today we are enjoying the power of the coming age, the age of restoration. This coming age is the age of the kingdom, the age of the millennium. When we get into the age of grace, we are walking toward the next age, the age of restoration, the age of the kingdom. What we are enjoying today is the foretaste, but this foretaste will have a full taste in the time of restoration. The first fulfillment of the prophecy concerning Christ’s coming is a foretaste, whereas the second fulfillment is the full taste.

The prophecy concerning Christ as the Anointed of Jehovah had a foretaste of fulfillment, at Christ’s first coming, for the age of grace, in producing the church, as the acceptable year of Jehovah (Luke 4:16-22a). In the Old Testament, the church was hidden. The church was hidden between the two peaks of Christ’s coming. After the Lord read Isaiah 61:1-2, He sat down and said, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21). That meant that since the Lord was there, that was the acceptable year of Jehovah. But this was just a foretaste. The acceptable year of Jehovah will come in full when Christ comes the second time.

Having a Full Taste of Fulfillment at Christ’s Second Coming

The prophecy concerning Christ as the Anointed of Jehovah in Isaiah 61:1-3 will have a full taste of fulfillment at Christ’s second coming, for the restoration of Israel unto the new heavens and new earth. The restoration age will usher in the new heaven and new earth.

The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah Being upon Him

Isaiah 61:1a says, “The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon Me.” The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah was upon Christ in His first coming and will be upon Him in His second coming. When the Lord Jesus comes the second time, the striking significance will be that the Spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon Him. Here Isaiah especially adds in the word Lord. It is not just the Spirit of Jehovah but the Spirit of the Lord Jehovah. The Spirit of such a One will be upon the coming Jesus.