2023-08-26 周六 — 父就因此得荣耀






Father is Glorified – John 15:8

The prayer in verse 7 is related to the fruit-bearing and the glorification of the Father mentioned in verse 8. We need to pray for much fruit-bearing that the Father may be glorified, that is, expressed, in the Son. In fruit-bearing the Father’s divine life is expressed and so he is glorified. Only when the Father is expressed is he glorified.

Electricity illustrates what it means to be glorified: the electricity in a lamp is glorified because it is expressed. Likewise, when the Father’s divine life is expressed in the fruit-bearing of the organism of the vine and the branches, he is glorified.

The vine and the branches are one organism to glorify the Father. As an organism that glorifies the Father, the vine and the branches express the riches of the divine life. When the vine produces grapes in abundance, that is when the riches of the divine life are manifested. To express the inner life in this way is to release the divine essence from within the vine. This is the glorification of the Father.