2023-09-28 周四 国度的建立及假冒的情形






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The Establishment of the Kingdom and Its False Constituents — Matt. 13:37-39

With the second parable the Lord began to say, “The kingdom of the heavens was likened to,” because the kingdom of the heavens began to be established when the church was built on the day of Pentecost, the time when the second parable began to be fulfilled. It was from that time, after the church was founded, that the tares, the false believers, were sown amidst the true believers, the wheat.

When the Lord’s slaves were sleeping, not watching, the Lord’s enemy, the Devil, came and sowed false believers amidst the true ones. A tare is a kind of darnel, a weed resembling wheat. Its seeds are poisonous, producing sleepiness, nausea, convulsions and even death. The sprout and leaves of the tares look the same as those of the wheat. It is impossible to discern one from the other until the fruit is produced.

Tares greatly frustrate the growth of the wheat because they exhaust the fertility of the soil which is meant to nourish the growing wheat. We may apply this to our present situation: many false Christians have frustrated the growth of the genuine Christians.

This parable discloses that not long after the establishment of the kingdom by the building of the church, the situation of the kingdom of the heavens changed. It was established with the sons of the kingdom, the wheat. But the sons of the evil one, the tares, grew up to alter the situation. Hence, a difference has arisen between the kingdom of the heavens and its outward appearance. Whereas the sons of the kingdom, the wheat, constitute the kingdom, the sons of the evil one, the tares, have formed the outward appearance of the kingdom, which today is called Christendom.