2023-09-25 周一 国度的实际与外表





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The Reality of the Kingdom and Its Outward Appearance — Matt. 13:11

In chapters five, six and seven of Gospel of Matthew reveal the inward reality of the kingdom. The constitution of kingdom of heavens is divided into seven sections: the nature of the kingdom people; the influence of the kingdom people upon the world; the law of the kingdom people; the righteous deeds of the kingdom people; the dealing of the kingdom people with riches; the principle of the kingdom people in dealing with others; and the ground of the kingdom people’s living and work. In these seven sections we see the heavenly and spiritual reality of the kingdom. This is not behavior or mere outward living; it is the kingdom of the heavens in reality. In this section regarding the reality of the kingdom everything is real, pure, spiritual, and heavenly.

The basic point concerning the kingdom is the need to differentiate between the inward reality of the kingdom and the outward appearance of the kingdom. Chapter thirteen concerns with the appearance of the kingdom, is altogether different. In this chapter we have the tares and a great tree which is no longer according to its kind. We see something of a façade, an appearance without reality. Along with the tares and the façade, there is also leaven. All these things, found in the appearance of the kingdom, cause the appearance of the kingdom to be a mixture.

Today’s Christendom exactly matches the portrait in Matthew 13 of the outward appearance of the kingdom of the heavens. In Christendom there are millions of tares, a great façade and corrupting leaven. However, none of these things is found in chapters five, six and seven, where everything is real, pure, spiritual and heavenly. But what a mixture we see in chapter thirteen!