2023-09-18 周一 那灵的工作—使世人知罪自责







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The Work of the Spirit – To Convict the World – John 16:8

The crucial point of John 16 is the work of the Spirit. According to this chapter the work of the Spirit is in three categories: to convict the world; to glorify the Son by revealing him with the fullness of the Father to the believers; and to disclose what is to come. John’s writings are also of three categories: the Gospel, the Epistles and the Revelation. His Gospel is mainly to preach the gospel and convict the world, his Epistles are mainly to reveal the Son with the fullness of the Father, and his Revelation is the book unveiling all the things to come in the future.

In verse 8 the Lord said of the Spirit that “He will convict the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment.” Each of these three items – sin, righteousness, and judgment – is related to a person. Sin is related to Adam, for it was through Adam that sin entered the human race (Rom. 5:12). We were born of sin in Adam. If you were born in Adam, you were born a sinner.

Righteousness is related to Christ because righteousness comes from Christ. Adam is sin, and Christ is righteousness. In Adam we are sinful and condemned; in Christ we are righteous and justified. It is not a matter of conduct or behavior; it is a matter of where we are. The only way to be freed from sin is to believe in Christ, the Son of God.

Judgment is related to Satan Judgment is for Satan. God has no intention to see you or me or any human being suffer judgment. But if you remain in Adam, you will consequently be judged together with Satan, sharing the judgment of Satan. 

These are the main points of the gospel. The Spirit convicts the world with these points. All mankind was born in Adam, but everyone can be translated out of Adam into Christ. If you remain in Adam, however, you will share Satan’s judgment