2023-09-12 周二 人子得荣耀的时候到了





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The Hour Has Come for the Son of Man To Be Glorified –
John 12:23-24

The best illustration of glorification is the blossoming of a flower. A carnation seed, for example, is sown into the earth. After it grows up out of the earth, it blossoms. This blossoming is the glorification of the carnation seed. The carnation seed contains the life element and the life shape of the carnation flower. The style, color, and beauty of the flower are all contained in a little carnation seed, but no one can see this style, color, and beauty until the seed grows out of the earth and blossoms. The blossom is the glory of the seed. The blossoming is the glorification of the seed, for it is by blossoming that the seed is glorified, that is, expressed.

When Jesus Christ came in the flesh, he was like that little carnation seed. In him, that is, in his human form, his human shell, were all the beauty and shape of the divine life. All the colorful aspects of the divine life were concealed and confined in that little Nazarene. One day, he was sown into the earth. After he died, he grew up and blossomed in his resurrection. In his resurrection, the beauty, form, style, color, and riches of life were released and expressed. That was the glorification of the Son. Since all that God the Father has been embodied in the Son, when the Son is glorified, the Father is also glorified in the Son’s glorification.

Here the Son offered a prayer to the Father, praying that the Father would glorify the Son that all the glory hidden within him might be manifested through his death and resurrection.