2023-09-11 周一 生命的祷告




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Life’s Prayer – John 17:1

In this message we come to the profound prayer uttered by the Lord in Chapter 17 of Gospel of John. This prayer is the completing prayer of the Lord’s message given in chapters 14, 15 and 16. The basic concept of the Lord’s prayer in John 17 is glorification. In verse 1 the Lord said, “Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son that the Son may glorify You”. This is the subject, the central point, of this prayer. If we see the main points of the three previous chapters, we shall be able to understand what it means to have the Son glorified that the Father may be glorified. The Father is to glorify the Son so that the Son may glorify the Father. This is a mutual glorification between the Son and the Father. If the Father will glorify the Son, then the Son will glorify the Father.

The main point of the Lord’s message in John 14 through 16 was that the Son may be glorified so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. In what way is the Father to be glorified in the Son? Through the organism of the vine tree. As we have seen, the organism of the vine tree is for the propagating and spreading of life, that is, for the multiplication and reproduction of life, and also for the expression of the Triune God. When the Triune God is propagated, multiplied and expressed through this organism, the Son is glorified, and in the Son’s glorification the Father is also glorified. Thus, the Lord prayed that he, the Son, would be glorified so that the Father also might be glorified. God’s eternal purpose, his ultimate intention, is to manifest, to express, himself. Glorification simply means manifestation.