2023-09-06 周三 枝子与葡萄树





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The Branches and the Vine Tree – John 15:14-15

The life within all of us is one life. The life in you is exactly the same as the life in me. This resembles the circulation of the blood in our physical body. The blood in our body circulates through every member of our body. In like manner, the inner life of all the branches is one. This life should continually circulate through all the branches. Then all the branches will be so living and filled with the riches of life in order to bear fruit.

Although the branches are many, they are one. They are one with the vine and with one another. All the branches together with the vine are one entity, one organism.

The branches are in an intimate relationship with the vine. The branches are not the Lord’s slaves; they are his friends. Because they are the Lord’s friends, the branches can know the Father’s desire that he be expressed in a corporate body.