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Jehovah Blessing to His People — Psa. 127:3-5
Verses 3 through 5 are Jehovah’s blessing to His people. In verse 3 the psalmist says that children are the heritage of Jehovah and that the fruit of the womb is a reward.
“Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man, / So are the children of one’s youth. / Blessed is the man / Who fills his quiver with them. / He will not be put to shame / When he speaks with enemies in the gate” (vv. 4-5). This indicates that instead of striving without trusting in the Lord, we should simply be a good father producing children. We cannot gain much by our toil, but we can produce children. Certain people are intelligent and very diligent in their labor, but they do not have any children. They do not have any “arrows” in their “quiver.” This is a shame. We need to consider what we will choose – to toil or to rest and produce children.
Psalm 127 is a psalm of release, a psalm that releases us from labor. This psalm teaches us that God takes care of us and blesses us. Whether we labor or do not labor, the situation is the same. “All the same,” He gives to us while we sleep. In addition to caring for us, He blesses us with increase, with children. We all need to believe this. Even though I am a laboring person, I believe that the result depends not on my labor but on God’s care and blessing.
What is described in this Song of Ascents needs to become our experience. Today we are talking about the increase. However, the more we talk, the more we are disappointed. The more we expect to have increase, the less increase we have. As a result, we do not have peace and rest, and we do not have this Song of Ascents. Our concept, therefore, needs to be changed. Increase does not depend on what we do—it depends on how much God gives. Both the care and the blessing come from Him. Let us learn to be today’s Solomon, knowing that whatever we do without trusting in the Lord is in vain, but that as long as we trust in Him, there will be a good result. If we have learned to be such a Solomon, then we will pray, saying, “Lord, I don’t have any trust in myself. I trust in Your mercy, in Your blessing, in Your presence, and in Your Spirit.” This is the experience of Psalm 127.