2025-02-08 周六 全家得救(六)

经文:耶和华对挪亚说,你和你的全家都要进入方舟。(创7:1, 另译)









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Whole Household Saved (6) — Gen. 7:1

The Old Testament Examples – The Whole Family Entered the Ark

Genesis 7:1: “Then the Lord said to Noah, ‘Enter the ark, you and all your household.’” 1 Peter 3:20: “In the days of Noah… only eight persons, were brought safely through the water.” The ark was not meant for individuals – it was meant for households. In Genesis 6, the Bible records that Noah was righteous before God, but it does not say that Noah’s sons and their wives were righteous. The Bible only states that Noah was a righteous man before God. However, when God prepared salvation and decided to save Noah, He ensured that Noah’s entire family entered the ark. Therefore, entering the ark was based on the household, not on the individual.

New believers should lead their entire household into the ark. You can pray to the Lord, “Lord, I have believed in You. You said that my whole household can enter the ark. Now I ask You to bring my entire family in.” God will honor your faith.

One Passover Lamb Per Household

Exodus 12:3, 7: “Speak to all the congregation of Israel: On the tenth of this month, they are each one to take a lamb for themselves, according to their father’s households, a lamb for each household…they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of houses in which they eat it.”

The Passover lamb was clearly provided for the household, not just for an individual. This shows how important the family is before God. The Passover lamb was a family matter, not an individual one. It was not that each person offered a lamb, but rather that each household offered one lamb. When the blood was applied to the doorposts and the lintel, the entire household received protection, and the destroyer would pass over that house.

One remarkable truth is that the salvation prepared by the Lord Jesus Christ is not just for individuals. It is like the Passover lamb, which is for the whole family. If only one person partakes it, then only that person receives salvation. But if the entire family partakes it, then the entire family receives salvation. Just as the whole family ate the lamb and applied the blood together, salvation is something the whole family should receive together. May God open our eyes to see that salvation is a matter for the household, not just for individuals.