2025-02-01 周六 讨神喜悦—不随从世代(二)

经文:那时,你们在其中行事为人,随着这世界的世代,顺着空中掌权者的首领,就是那现今在悖逆之子里面运行之灵的首领;(弗二2, 另译)





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Pleasing to God – Do Not Follow the Age (2) — Eph. 2:2

Do Not Walking According to the Ruler of the Authority of the Air

I saw an excellent illustration of this when I was traveling through the interior of China in 1937. One day I passed by a creek which flowed down the slope of a hill. The creek was full of dead leaves that were being swept along with the current. Among the leaves some little fish were swimming upstream against the current. Because the fish were full of life, they could swim against the current; but because the leaves were lifeless, they could only be carried away by the current. They did not have the life to withstand the current and go against it. As long as anyone follows the present current of the world, he is dead. The reason the current of the age can carry so many people along with it is that they all are dead. Throughout the world, in every country, the people are dead. Therefore, whenever the tide of the age comes in, they are swept along by it immediately. Once we also were dead and carried away by the tide of the age, but now that we have been made alive, the current cannot move us.

When we were dead in our offenses and sins, we were not only active in following the age of this world; we also walked “according to the ruler of the authority of the air, of the spirit who is now operating in the sons of disobedience.” The ruler here refers to Satan, the prince of the aerial authority mentioned in 6:12. The spirit, in apposition with “the authority of the air,” refers to the aggregate power, a personal aggregate of all the evil angelic authorities, over which Satan is the ruler. This aggregate spirit is now operating in the sons of disobedience. But we, who once were sons of disobedience, have been saved to be the church.

Above us there is the sphere ruled by Satan, the ruler of the authority of the air. Not many Christians have an adequate understanding of this evil power in the air. The entire earth is under the domination of this spirit in the air. This evil spirit, this evil atmosphere, is the cause of crimes, murders and even suicides. It influences people to do evil things which, as humans, they would not normally do. The source of this evil is in the spirit, the atmosphere, which dominates them. This spirit is now operating in the sons of disobedience, in those who are disobedient to God.