2025-01-28 周二 讨神喜悦—光的儿女(二)

经文:要验证何为主所喜悦的,不要有分于黑暗无果子的行为,倒要责备,因为他们所行隐密的事,就是题起来也是可耻的。 (弗五10-11, 另译)






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Pleasing to God – The Children of Light (2) — Eph. 5:10-11

Not Participating in the Unfruitful Works of Darkness

In verse 11 Paul says, “And do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even expose them.” The unfruitful works of darkness are vanity, whereas the fruit of the light is truth, reality. Just as Paul commands us to walk as children of light, he also commands us not to participate in the unfruitful works of darkness.

The Whole World Lying in the Evil One

In 5:19 John goes on to say, “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the evil one.” Literally, the Greek word for “of” here means out of, out from. Since we have been begotten of God, we are out of Him, out from Him, possessing His life and partaking of His nature. By this we are separated unto God from the satanic world which lies in the evil one.

In 5:19 John says that the whole world lies in the evil one. The whole world comprises the satanic world system (1 John 2:15) and the people of the world, the fallen human race. For the whole world to lie in the evil one means that it remains passively in the sphere of the evil one’s influence, under his usurpation and manipulation. While the believers are living and moving actively by the life of God, the whole world is lying passively under the usurping and manipulating hand of Satan, the evil one. This is especially true of the people of the world. Whereas we are out of God, belong to God, and are one with God, the world lies in the evil one and belongs to the Devil. The people in the world do not have their own freedom. Rather, they are under the Devil’s control and manipulation.