2023-08-31 周四 — 经纶的三一—父的计划






The Economical Trinity – the Father’s Plan – Eph. 1:4

When we speak of the Triune God economically, we speak of him according to his moves and deeds, not according to his essence. Economically, the three of the Triune God are three.

The Father is the originator who instituted the divine economy; (Eph.1:9-10; 3:9, 1 Tim 1:4b), the Son accomplished the divine economy instituted by the Father (John 5:19l 8:28); and the Spirit applied what the Son has accomplished to God’s chosen people. (John 16:13). In this economy, the three of the Godhead are sequential, these are the steps of a complete action.

The Father accomplished this plan, which was the first step in his economy. He was at work in choosing and predestinating us. The work of choosing and predestination was done by the Father, not by the Son or the Spirit. But we must be careful to realize that though the Father did the work of selection and predestination, he did not do it alone. The Father of the Triune Godhead did the work of selection and predestination in the Son and with the Spirit.