2024-08-13 周二 活水的江河






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Rivers of Living Water — John 7:37b-38

When the Israelites were walking in the wilderness, they were often thirsty and without water; Moses struck the rock, and living water flowed out of it. But when they arrived the good land of Canaan, they no longer needed to strike the rock because the land was full of abundant springs, fountains and rivers. That water was not just one river, but many rivers, inexhaustible in supply and always available for use.

In the New Testament we see an identical picture: In the Gospel of John, the Lord Jesus stood and cried out by saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Him and drink. He who believes into Him, as the Scripture said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. The original word “river” here is plural, meaning many streams of water. What does this mean? This refers to the multifaceted outflow of Christ as the life supply.

When we believe in the Lord Jesus, the Triune God enters into us and becomes rivers of living water within us. The source of this river is God the Father, the reservoir (fountain) is the Lord, and the river outflowing is the Spirit. Hallelujah! There is a living stream of life within us, a fountain that never runs dry.

Have you ever experienced that there are many streams within you? Sometimes we are troubled by difficulties and trials. Then we come to the Lord, call upon Him and contact Him. We may experience Him as the source of peace, joy and comfort; sometimes we experience Him as the source of love and light; at other times, Christ becomes our stream of patience, humility and tolerance. Hallelujah! There are many rivers of water within us. Whatever you need, He is. These streams are also within us, inexhaustible in supply and always available for use. The rivers not only supply and nourish us, but also flow out from our inner being.