2024-08-12 周一 美地有河、有泉、有源





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The Good Land with Brooks of Water, Fountains and Springs — Deut 8:7

A rich picture of the good land described in Deuteronomy chapter 8 shows that Christ can meet our every need and situation. He is a spring, a fountain and brooks of water, wheat and barley, sheep and cattle, iron and bronze. He is all-sufficient. This all-inclusive, infinitely rich Christ now lives in us and takes care of all our needs. No matter what circumstances we encounter or what happens to us, there is no need to worry. If we know His riches, tell Him our needs and cast our anxiety on Him, we will be able to experience practically that He can meet all our needs and be our all-sufficient supply.

The beauty of the good land lies in its breadth and superiority, also lies in its unsearchable riches. The riches of the good land are all-inclusive. Among them the first richness lies in the water of the land. Water is crucial for survival in daily life. You may survive a few days without food, but can’t survive a day without drinking water. We need water almost more than anything else, and we need it every single day. In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses described the riches of the good land to the children of Israel, the first richness was water, and the water of the land was good. It is mentioned here that the land not only had water, but also had rivers, fountains and springs. Spring refers to the source of water; any river must have a source so that it will not dry up. Fountain refers to storage. Wherever a spring gushes out, it means that the water is abundant. The river refers to the outflow, the fountain and spring gush out into a river to irrigate the fields and provide man with water. In the good land, there is not only water, but also a source of water, a fountain that stores water and it flows out into a river.

There are brooks of water, fountains and springs in the good land. What is the significance of them? We may find the answer in the words of the Lord. The Lord said that the water He gives us will become a fountain of water gushing up into eternal life (John 4:14). He also said he who believes into Me, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water  (John 7:38). These waters are the life of Christ, typifying the various supplies within us. Whenever our spirit feels thirsty, we may come to the Lord to contact Him, or we may come to a meeting to enjoy a hymn. Then we feel refreshed, moisturized and revived, as if we were filled with water. Whenever we offer prayers and praises to the Lord in a meeting, it is like flowing rivers, nourishing the brothers and sisters. It is the Lord’s life supply becoming living water, flowing through us and bringing us the supply of life.