2024-08-06 周二 约书亚记中基督的豫表










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The Types of Christ in the Book of Joshua — Jos. 1:1-2

In the book of Joshua there are two types of Christ – Joshua and the good land.

The first type of Christ in this book is Joshua himself. The Greek equivalent of the Hebrew name Joshua is Jesus (Heb. 4:8; Acts 7:45). Joshua typifies Christ and grace (Christ) replacing the law (Moses – Josh. 1:2a; John 1:17). It was when Moses the lawgiver died that Joshua came in (Deut. 34:8-9) to bring the people into the good land (Josh. 1:6), typifying the Lord Jesus bringing the people of God into rest, into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ.

The other type of Christ in the book of Joshua is the good land with all its riches (Deut. 8:7-10) , typifying the God-given Christ with all His unsearchable riches (Col. 1:12; Eph. 3:8).

The Types Related to Christ

The first of the types related to Christ is Israel’s possessing and enjoying the promised land. This typifies the believers’ practical experience of the riches of the blessings in Christ as revealed in the book of Ephesians.

Israel’s crossing of the river Jordan typifies the believers’ experience of the death of Christ (Rom. 6:3-4a; Col. 2:20), not the believers’ physical death.

Israel’s entering into the good land typifies the believers’ experience of taking over the heavenlies, where Satan and his power of darkness are (Eph. 2:6; 6:12), not the believers’ going to heaven after their death. This is all related to Israel’s possessing and enjoying the good land.