2024-08-08 周四 取得美地为业








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Gaining the Good Land as an Inheritance Deut. 1:8

God’s People Entering and Taking Possession of the Good Land that God Promised Them

From Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers, we see that God rescued His chosen people from the house of slavery in Egypt and led them across the Red Sea and through the wilderness. The purpose of God’s doing this has two folds: on the negative side is to save them; on the positive side is to enable His chosen and redeemed people to be prepared to take possession of the good land that God promised to give them.

The book of Exodus tells us how God’s chosen people were redeemed from God’s judgment through the Passover, and how they were saved from the slavery and tyranny of Egypt through the saving power of the Triune God. They also enjoyed God’s heavenly provision and divine care in the wilderness, and received divine revelation and training, which enabled them to know and serve God and establish a priestly system.

The book of Numbers further records how God’s chosen and redeemed people were organized into an army of priests to march with God and fight with God for God’s interests on earth. Through all hindrances, trials and disciplines Israelites were made clean and ready to gain the good land promised by God. The first generation of Israelites were not qualified to enter the good land because they hardened their hearts toward God and tempted Him. The second generation of Israelites was a new generation. They received the benefits experienced by the first generation. They were ready to enter and take possession of the good land that God promised to give them.

The Two Generations of the Children of Israel Indicating the Two Generations in the Experience of Believers

When we are saved, we are the first generation, while the experience of being renewed and transformed in the spirit is the second generation. The first generation is our old man, and the second generation is our new man. As we grow in life and are renewed in our mind, emotion, and will, we put away the old generation – the old man, and put on the new generation – the new man. We need to further learn from the history of the Israelites how to experience and possess Christ, the all-inclusive good land, by enjoying Christ.