2024-08-03 周六 背道子民的回转(二)








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The Return of Apostate People (2) — Hos. 6:11

Jehovah’s Promise to Judah

In Hosea 6:11 we have Jehovah’s promise to Judah in the return of the apostate people. This promise is that there will be a harvest appointed for Judah, when Jehovah will turn the captivity of His people. This means that in the restoration all the Israelites, including the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, will be very rich in all kinds of produce from the earth. 

The earth was created by God to produce a rich harvest, but due to the fall of man, the earth was cursed to grow thorns, and man has had to labor with sweat for food (Gen. 3:17-19). In the restoration time the earth will be restored to its original condition and will be rich, fertile and productive. Thus, a harvest will be apportioned to Judah for their enjoyment.

From the time that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon invaded Israel in 606 B.C., three things have been taking place on earth. The first is God’s loving chastisement over His dear elect Israel, and the second is God’s punishment on all the nations. These two things added together bring in the third thing – the manifestation of Christ. The manifestation of Christ will bring in a fourth thing – the age of restoration, the millennial kingdom. This restoration will consummate in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth.

The manifestation of Christ does not refer only to Christ’s second coming. The manifestation of Christ is a long process which began with Christ’s coming to mankind, and even into mankind, at His incarnation and which will continue until Christ’s coming back. Micah 5:2, referring to Christ’s incarnation, says that His goings forth are from the days of eternity. Christ’s goings forth are His coming. Thus, in eternity past, Christ was ready to go forth; that is, He was ready to come. At His incarnation Christ came out of eternity into time, coming with His divinity into humanity. 

Actually, Christ’s goings forth, His coming, have not ceased. Even today He is still coming. This manifestation, which began with the incarnation, will be consummated in Christ’s coming back with the overcomers as the mighty ones to defeat Antichrist, the last Caesar of the Roman Empire.