2024-07-30 周二 淫乱之妻子的象征










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The Symbol of a Wife of Harlotries — Hos. 1:2

Christ’s First and Second Coming

In His first coming Christ would be in union with Israel as the Son of God fleeing to Egypt and being called out of Egypt (Hos. 11:1; cf. Matt. 2:13-15). This indicates that although Israel became exceedingly evil, Christ still became organically one with them through incarnation to be a real Israelite. Christ is the Son of God, and the Israelites were sons of God. Christ joined Himself to them in this matter of being sons of God. In His humanity He was a genuine Israelite.

In His second coming Christ will go forth as the dawn and come to Israel as the rain, as the latter rain which waters the earth (Hos. 6:3b; 10:12). At that time the people of Israel will be the earth watered by Christ as the rain.

A Wife of Harlotries

The prophet Hosea took Gomer, a wife of harlotries (1:2-9). This symbolized that God took Israel as His wife – one who gave herself to harlotries and who departed from Jehovah. God told Hosea to do what He Himself had done, and Hosea did as God had commanded him.

Gomer bore Hosea a son named by God Jezreel (vv. 3b-5), symbolizing that God will avenge the bloodshed of Jezreel (2 Kings 10:1-11) upon the house of Jehu and will bring an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel (2 Kings 15:10-12).

Gomer also bore Hosea a daughter named by God Lo-ruhamah (Hos. 1:6-7). This name, which means “she has not obtained compassion,” symbolizes that God will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel, that He should forgive them at all. However, in the house of Judah Jehovah will have compassion and will save them by Jehovah their God, not by bow, by sword, by battle, by horses, or by horsemen.

After weaning Lo-ruhamah, Gomer bore a son named by God Lo-ammi (Hos. 1:8-9). This name, which means “not My people,” symbolizes that Israel is not God’s people and God will not belong to her.