2024-07-19 周五 奉献(一)



我们将自己奉献给主的根据,就是主用祂的血作重价买了我们(启五 9),我们就成了祂所买的奴仆,不再是属自己的,乃是属主的。主权不在我们,乃在主(林前六19-20)。




我们将自己奉献给主,乃是将自己奉献给主作活祭,不象旧约的人献牺牲给神作死祭。我们这样献上自己作活祭,乃是圣别的,就是将自己分别出来,归主使用的,也是讨神喜悦,满足神心愿的(罗十二 1)。


我们将自己奉献给主的目的,就是向祂活着。向祂活着,高过为祂活着。为祂活着,可能我们和祂还是分为二的;向祂活着,我们和祂必须成为一,不只以祂为生命,也以祂为人位,生活行动都以祂为是,让祂从我们活出(林后五15,罗十二 1,林前六 20)。

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Consecration – 1 Cor. 6:19-20

The Basis Of Consecration

The basis of our consecration to the Lord is that, since He bought us with His blood as a price (Rev. 5:9), we have become His purchased slaves. We are not our own, but the Lord’s. It is the Lord, not we, who has the right over us. (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

The Motive Of Consecration

We consecrate ourselves to the Lord because His love confines and constrains us. His love compels us so that we cannot help but consecrate ourselves to Him. Since He died on our behalf, we all died; therefore, there is no need for us to die. Furthermore, He died that we may have His life to live to Him. Such love constrains us and compels us to love Him and consecrate ourselves to Him. This consecration is our gratitude for and repayment of His great love. He died for us because of His love, and this love is the motive for us to consecrate ourselves to Him. (2 Cor. 5:14-15).

The Significance Of Consecration

When we consecrate ourselves to the Lord, we present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice, unlike the people in the Old Testament who offered dead sacrifices to the Lord. As a living sacrifice that has been presented, we are holy, that is, we have separated ourselves unto the Lord for His use, and we are well-pleasing to God, satisfying His heart’s desire. (Rom. 12:1)

The Purpose Of Consecration

The purpose of our consecration to the Lord is to live to Him. Living to Him is higher than living for Him. When we live for Him, we and He may still be two, but when we live to Him, we and He must become one. When we live to Him, we take Him not only as our life but also as our person. In all our living and actions, we should cooperate with Him and allow Him to live Himself through us. (2 Cor. 5:15, Rom. 12:1, 1 Cor. 6:20)