2024-06-26 周三 从主灵到主灵







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From the Lord Spirit to the Lord Spirit – 2 Cor. 3:17

For many years I have been trying to understand the phrase “from glory to glory” used in 3:18. I consulted a number of books, but I failed to find a satisfactory explanation. We should not take this matter for granted or assume that we understand it. What is the glory here, and what is the meaning of “from glory to glory”? From glory to glory means from the Lord Spirit to the Lord Spirit. The Lord Spirit is upon the Lord Spirit. This means that the Lord Spirit as the rich supply is continually added into our being.

We may use an illustration from our eating to understand the continual addition of the Lord Spirit into us. Suppose you are invited to stay with a family that eats a great deal of chicken. Day after day they serve you a meal containing chicken. In your eating you go from chicken to chicken. Eventually, by eating so much chicken, you will become constituted of the element of chicken. This element will permeate your tissues and cells. In a sense, your physical body will be transformed inwardly into chicken. Day by day and hour by hour Christ, the heavenly chicken, is being added to us, and we are being transformed into His image. This transformation is from glory to glory, from the Lord Spirit to the Lord Spirit.

A Testimony of Transformation

We illustrated this glory by referring to the blossoming of a carnation flower. Christ’s resurrection was His blossoming. This blossoming Christ, the resurrected Christ, is glory. Now we are in the process of being transformed from this glory to this glory. This glory is our supply day by day. This is the reason that to be transformed from glory to glory far surpasses a mere outward improvement of behavior according to religious or ethical teaching.