2024-06-10 周一 诗的感觉










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The Sensation of Hymn — Psa. 104:33

Learning to Sing Hymns Is an Important Matter

After man believes in the Lord, he has to learn how to sing hymns. If a Christian went to a meeting and did not know how to sing hymns, it would be a big problem. In meetings, prayer is usually being neglected, and perhaps singing hymns is even more being neglected. Thus we have to learn to sing hymns, which is an important matter.

A Hymn Is the Expression of a Man’s Most Delicate Feelings

There are prophecies, histories, truths, teachings and commandments in the Bible, hymns are also included. A hymn is the expression of one’s most delicate feelings. The feeling when man prays before God is not as delicate and tender as the feeling when man sings hymns before God. God desires us to have delicate feelings, so He gives us various types of hymns in the Bible. Not only are there psalms, songs of songs and lamentations, but also poetry is sometimes added to history and commandments (e.g., Exo. 15:1-18). All these shows us that God’s purpose is to make His people’s feelings delicate.

Our Lord’s feeling is delicate and tender. However, our feelings are fine and rough. Being angry is a rough feeling. Some people are not getting angry, yet their feelings may not be subtle. God desires us to be kind, to be merciful and to express sympathy, all feelings are fine. God desires us to be able to sing hymns when in difficulty; He wants us to be able to praise and bless God’s name when in pain, because all these are the expressions of delicate feelings. When one loves others, his feelings are tender; when one forgives others, his feelings are tender; when a person shows mercy to others, his feelings are also tender.

God Desires Our Feelings to Become Finer and Tenderer

The path God leads His children to take is to make their feelings become finer and tender, and more like a hymn. The more a person has learned before God, the more refined and tender his feelings will be, and the more like a hymn. On the contrary, the less a person has learned before God, the rougher his feelings will be and the less like a hymn. If a Christian is rough when he goes to a meeting and does not care about the feelings of others, then he does not look like a learned Christian. We need to know that since we were saved, God will train our feelings day by day until they are tender. In order to do well as a Christian, you need to have a delicate feeling. The feeling that flows from the deepest part of one’s presence before God is his sensation of hymn. God requires His children to have delicate feelings. A rough feeling is not a hymn, which is not out of a Christian.