2024-05-20 周一 神的创造与神的建造








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God’s Creation and God’s Building – Gen. 2:8-9

The Bible not only shows us God’s creation, but also God’s building. In the entire Bible, it can be said that only the first chapter and a half of Genesis mentions something about God’s creation. From the second half of Genesis chapter 2 to the end of Revelation, it talks about another aspect of God’s work, which is God’s building. At the beginning of the Bible, the heavens, the earth and all things were created. This is God’s creation; At the end of the Bible, there is a city that comes down from heaven and is decorated with various precious stones. This is God’s building. In Genesis chapter 2, we see a garden, and in the middle of the garden was the tree of life. All the scenery there will give you an impression and help you understand God’s creation. But at the end of Revelation, the place where the tree of life is is no longer a garden, but has become a city; it is no longer a created natural scenery of flowers, plants and trees, but a building built together with a variety of precious stones.

God’s Work Involves Creation and Building

At the beginning of the Bible, there is a state of creation, and a state of building at the end. In the beginning there is a natural garden and in the end there is a built city. What you see on this side is nothing but creation; what you see on the other side is a building that manifests the glory of God in the created universe. Thus, the Bible says that God’s work is not only creation, but also building. Moreover, God’s creation only takes up more than one chapter in the Bible, and the rest is about God’s building. It can be seen that God’s building is an extremely important thing in the Bible.

The Fulfillment of God’s Purpose Depends on God’s Building

Creation is making something out of nothing, without using any material. But building is quite different, it uses existing materials to build. Before creation, there was no heaven, no earth, no living things and no human beings. God came in and created all of these out of nothing. If God only needs heaven and earth, all things and mankind, then when God had completed creating, His purpose should have been fulfilled. In this way, the story of the Bible and the universe is supposed to be simple. As long as we come to the second chapter of Genesis, everything should have been completed. But the Bible shows us that God’s creation did not fulfill God’s purpose. God’s creation was entirely for the next step of God’s work, which is building. Creation is the preparation of materials for the building. God must build up the human beings He created before His purpose can be fulfilled. Therefore, creation does not directly fulfill God’s purpose; the fulfillment of God’s purpose depends on God’s building.