2024-05-22 周三 神拯救人也是为着得着家(一)









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God’s Salvation Is Also For Gaining His Household (1) – Exo. 29:45-46

God Saves His People So That He May Have a Dwelling place on Earth

In the Old and New Testaments, regardless in Hebrew or Greek, the following three words: temple, home and house are all related. Even in Chinese, these words are all also related. A home is a house, and a place where great men like kings live is a temple. A temple is a home, and a home is a house or a building. The entire Bible shows us that God wants to have a home and a building in the universe. The first time God revealed His intention in the Bible was in a homeless man (Jacob). This is truly a wonderful thing.

From here on, it becomes clearer and much more concrete that God wants to build a home on earth. Later, God gave Jacob many offspring, and these descendants of Jacob were called the house of Jacob and the house of Israel. After Israel went down to Egypt, God rescued them out of that place, and God said, “I will live among them and be their God.” This illustrates that God saves His people so that He may have a dwelling place, i.e., a home, on earth.

The Tabernacle Is the Mingling of God and Man, A House of God

When Israel went into the wilderness, God told them to build a tabernacle so that he could live with them. The most important thing to build the tabernacle was the vertical boards, which were covered with gold. The wood in type refers to humanity, and the fine gold in type refers to divinity. The fact that wood is covered with fine gold means that divinity and humanity are mingled into one. This mingling of God and man is a kind of building. In the tabernacle, not only do the vertical boards express this meaning, but other items, such as the ark, the table and the curtain, etc., including the entire tabernacle also show us the story of the two natures of God and man being mingled together. This mingling is a building, and this building is the house of God.

The Tabernacle Is a Type that God Dwells Among Israel

God’s dwelling in the tabernacle of Israel was nothing more than a type and a sign. As a matter of fact, God did not use a tabernacle as His dwelling place, but Israel as His dwelling place. God did not live in the tabernacle, yet He lived among Israel. God’s true desire is to blend Himself into Israel, and to mingle Israel into Him to be His dwelling place.