2024-05-24 周五 神的建造也是使神作人的住处










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God’s Building Is For God to Be Man’s Dwelling Place – Psa. 23:6

God Not Only wants Man to be His Dwelling Place, But He Also Wants Man to Make Him His Dwelling Place

If you read the Old Testament carefully, you can see that the thing that those godly people longed for the most, and the thing that gave them the most comfort and rest, was that they could live in the temple of God. Please remember that this home is the mingling of God and man, and it is also the home of God and man. God lives in this house, and man also lives in this house. When God lives in this place, man is his dwelling place, and when man lives in this place, God is his dwelling place.

If God Does Not Have Man, He Has No Home; If Man Does Not Have God, Man Has No Home Either

The Bible shows us that man is the household of God, and God is also the household of man. In this universe, if God did not gain a group of people, He was a homeless God. Likewise, dear friend, if you have not gained God, you are also a homeless person! Let me ask you all, where do you live? Some may say, I live on Renai Road, some say, I live on Xinyi Road. I would like to ask each one of you, do you really live in those places? As long as the environment changes slightly or something happens to you, you won’t know where you will be.

Man’s eternal dwelling place is God. If man did not have God, he would be homeless on earth. Therefore, a group of pious saints said in Psalms, Lord, you will be our dwelling place from generation to generation. This means that our fathers have lived in you throughout the ages, and we also live in you today. These earthly dwellings are not our true residence; our eternal residence is our God. The Lord Himself is our home and our resting place.

God’s Building Is a Universal Home Where God and Man Dwell Mutually

All these words show us that the entire universe needs a building. God lives in it as a dwelling place for man, and man lives in it as a building with God as his dwelling place. Just as man is the dwelling place of God, so God is the dwelling place of man. God and man are a mutual abode. Without man, God is a wandering and homeless God; in the same manner, without God, man is also a wandering and homeless person.

Therefore, the building that God wants to have in the entire universe is to build Him into man and build man into Him, so that He and man, and man and He, may dwell in each other. 1 John says that we know that we abide in Him and He in us, when God has given us His Spirit. He and we live together. This is how God wants to build us today, making us a spiritual temple, a temple of God, a universal building and a home, so that God has a destination and man has a place to live, so that God and man can all rest in peace.