2024-05-31 周五 模成神儿子的形象








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Conform to the Image of God’s Son — Rom. 8:29

God’s firstborn Son is the prototype, and we are the mass production. God has put us all into Him that we may be molded into the image of His firstborn Son. Sometimes when the sisters make cakes they put dough into a mold. By being put into the mold the dough assumes the pattern and image of the mold. Furthermore, the dough must also be baked so that the cake may bear the pattern of the mold without any change. Likewise, Christ, the firstborn Son of God, is the prototype, pattern and mold, and we are pieces of dough. We all have been put into the mold, and are now being kneaded by the hand of God.

We have been predestinated to be conformed to the image of God’s Son that He may be the firstborn among many brothers. God’s purpose is to produce many brothers of His firstborn Son. When Christ was the only begotten Son, He was unique, but God desired to have many sons who will be the many brothers of His Son. In this way the only begotten Son of God becomes the firstborn among many brothers.

The Purpose of God Gaining Many Sons Is to Express Him Corporately

The purpose is that we express God in a corporate way. God’s kingdom is built up with His many sons, and the Body of Christ is built up with His many brothers. Without the many sons God could never have a kingdom, and without the many brothers Christ could never have a Body. Thus, the many sons of God are for the kingdom of God, and the many brothers of Christ are for the Body of Christ. The kingdom of God is simply the Body life, and this Body life in the church is God’s kingdom where He is expressed and where His dominion is exercised on the earth.

Rom. 8:30 says, “And whom He predestinated, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.” In eternity we were predestinated and in time we were called. Why does God arrange our environment, surroundings, and situations in such a way that we experience suffering? We must realize that God’s purpose is to make us full-grown sons, not little children. We should not be content to remain children enjoying His cherishing and loving. God intends to make us full sons, completely grown up to be legal heirs that we may inherit all that He is in this universe and that we may express Him and exercise His dominion over the earth.