2024-05-25 周六 神的建造乃是神人调和、互为居所








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God’s Building Is the Mingling of God and Man, a Mutual Abode – Rev. 21:2-3

The Ultimate Appearance of this Building Is the New Jerusalem

In that city, God makes man his dwelling place in man, and man makes God his dwelling place in God. This is truly a glorious matter, it is also the work God wants to do today. When the work of creation was completed, the Bible said that God rested; but in Isaiah 66, God also said that heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool, and where is a place that I may rest? These verses prove that even though God created the heavens and the earth, and completed the work of creation, yet He did not find a resting place in the universe. So He had to work again to build a resting place for Himself. What the Bible always emphasizes is God’s work on building. God’s work of creation only took six days, but God’s work of building has not been completed even today, which is six thousand years later. Therefore, in the universe, God’s building work is a major and mysterious matter.

How Does God Complete this Building?

Simply put, God’s work of building is the mingling of God and man. The mingling of God into man means God is building Himself into man; the mingling of man into God means man being built into God. In the original creation, heaven was heaven and earth was earth; God was God and man was man; these two sides had never met or been mingled together. But in God’s building, God will build Himself into man, and He will build man into Him. When these two are mingled and built together, they become a building in the universe, which can be called the home of the universe. This building, or this home, is constituted by the mingling of God and man, which is God’s home and man’s home; It is God being man’s dwelling place, and man being God’s dwelling place. In other words, It is a dwelling place where God and man live together.

All of God’s Work in Time Is to Gain Such a Dwelling Place

Although there is heaven and earth in the universe, God does not consider heaven as His dwelling place, nor does God consider the earth as man’s dwelling place. If God is not mingled with man in the universe and is always outside of man, then God is a God without a dwelling place, a homeless God. Similarly, if in the universe, man is not mingled with God and is always living outside of God, he will be a displaced and homeless person. Regardless of God or man, the real dwelling place in the universe is not heaven, nor earth, nor any house. It is God mingled into man, man mingled into God, and God and man mingled with each other to become one.  This oneness is the great oneness of the universe, which is a spiritual building, a universal home. God’s building throughout the ages is to have such a dwelling place, such a home.