2024-07-22 周一 不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着









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No Longer I, But Christ Living in Me — Gal. 2:20

Galatians 2:20 is a familiar verse. In this verse is one of the basic items of God’s New Testament economy: no longer I, but Christ living in me. According to God’s economy, we should no longer live; rather, Christ should live in us. This is a basic aspect of the truth of the gospel. However, most Christians do not have the proper and adequate understanding of what it means to say no longer I, but Christ living in me.

Not an Exchange Life

Because this has not been made clear, some Christians, including certain Christian teachers, think that 2:20 speaks of what has been called an exchanged life. According to this concept, we are replaced by Christ. Christ comes in, and we go out. According to the concept of an exchanged life, our life is pitiful, and the life of Christ is far better. Therefore, we should exchange our life for Christ’s life. As we shall see, this concept is wrong.

Galatians 2:20 does not speak of an exchanged life. Here Paul says, “No longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” Then he goes on to say, “And the life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith of the Son of God.” On the one hand, Paul says, “It is no longer I who live”; on the other hand, he says, “I live.” If you consider this verse as a whole, you will see that there is no thought of an exchanged life. Here what is presented is not an exchange; rather, it is a profound mystery.

The Old “I” and the New “I”

We have pointed out that the book of Galatians reveals the basic truths of God’s New Testament economy. Among these basic truths, the most basic one is found in 2:20. In this verse Paul says, on the one hand, “no longer I” and, on the other hand, “I live.” How can we reconcile this? Once again I wish to point out that this is not an exchange of life. The way to interpret the Bible properly is by the Bible itself. This means that other verses are needed if we are to understand this verse. Romans 6:6 tells us that our old man has been crucified with Christ. This verse helps us to see that the very I who has been crucified with Christ is the old “I,” the old man. As regenerated people, we have both an old “I” and a new “I.” The old “I” has been terminated, but the new “I” lives. In Galatians 2:20 we have both the old “I” and the new “I.” The old “I” has been crucified with Christ, terminated. Therefore, Paul can say, “no longer I.” However, the new “I” still lives. For this reason, Paul can say, “I live.”