2024-04-20 周六 基督作众民的约(三)







在法理上,我们这些得罪神到极点的罪人,无法承受神的任何事物。但基督为我们满足了神公义一切的要求。这样满足神公义的要求,成了公理,我们藉此就得了赦免并救赎。如今我们不再是罪人,乃是圣徒。就法理而言,我们这些圣徒乃是有资格的。我们有一个公义的立场,合法的立场,来承受神一切的事物!实际上,神一切的事物就是神自己。神是生命; 神是爱; 神是公义; 神是圣别; 神是能力; 神是力量; 神是大能。祂是一切。我们承受祂(祂乃是一切)作我们的产业。基督乃是保证,担保我们要承受具体化在基督里一切属神的事物。

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Christ As a Covenant for the People (3) – Eph. 1:14

This Covenant Is a Guarantee that God Himself Is Our Inheritance

Jesus Christ became a covenant to us (Isa. 42:6d; 49:8d). As a covenant, He is a surety of God being the inheritance to His people (Heb. 7:22). This covenant is a guarantee. It guarantees that God Himself is our inheritance. Ephesians 1:14 says that the Spirit is the pledge of God being our inheritance. Furthermore, the Spirit’s sealing is to seal us as God’s inheritance. The Spirit put Himself upon us as a seal to indicate that we belong to God. God will inherit us. After this sealing, the Holy Spirit stays in us as a pledge to guarantee us that we have the right to inherit God as our inheritance.

Christ Being a Surety and Spirit Being the Pledge

We are God’s inheritance, not poor sinners. As mere sinners we have nothing and are nothing. We are His inheritance because we have been redeemed into Christ as the element. Because Christ is our element, we have been made excellent, a treasure to be God’s inheritance. God Himself is also our inheritance. His divine attributes have become the unsearchable riches of Christ which we inherit. For this, Christ is a surety, and the Spirit is the pledge.

We Have Righteous Standing to Inherit All Things of God

Legally speaking, we sinners, who offended God to the uttermost, could not inherit anything of God. But Christ fulfilled all the requirements of God’s righteousness for us. This fulfilling of God’s righteous requirements became a justice whereby we are forgiven and redeemed. Now we are no longer sinners, but saints. As saints, legally speaking, we are qualified. We have a righteous standing, a legal standing, to inherit all the things of God! Actually all the things of God are God Himself. God is life; God is love; God is righteousness; God is holiness; God is power; God is strength; and God is might. He is everything. We inherit Him, who is everything, as our inheritance. Christ is the surety, the guarantee, that we will inherit everything of God embodied in Christ.