2024-04-26 周五 启示基督是复活的赐生命者



第三,先知的传扬和耶和华的启示,揭示基督是复活的赐生命者。以赛亚五十三章十节下半至十一节,虽然没有用“赐生命者”这辞,但十节里的后裔,含示了赐生命者的思想。那后裔当然是藉着生命而产生的。因此,基督作耶和华的仆人乃是赐生命者,好使祂能产生后裔,以建造祂的身体作祂的延续,使耶和华得着喜悦并满足。因着基督的身体,父喜悦了,基督也满足了; 这身体乃是由基督这位赐生命者所产生的后裔构成的。



基督在复活里所产生的后裔,就是祂的信徒,是为着建造祂的身体作祂的延续,使祂延长年日。基督藉着产生后裔(信徒)以建造基督的身体,就延长了年日; 基督的这身体今天仍在延长。当基督的身体在延长时,基督的年日也在延长。

十节末了告诉我们,在耶和华所喜悦的事上,基督必然亨通。在已过二千年来,基督一直非常亨通。祂是最成功的一位。虽然祂遇到各种攻击、各种反对、各种麻烦,但没有人能击败祂; 反之,祂一直是亨通的。主的恢复扩展到美洲,这是祂的亨通; 如今祂正豫备扩展去俄国。那同样是基督的亨通。这也是祂在延长年日,基督仍活在这地上。



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Revealing Christ Being the Resurrected Life-giver — Isa. 53:10-11

As the Resurrected Life-giver, Producing a Seed for the Building Up of His Body as His Continuation

Third, the prophets’ report and Jehovah’s revelation unveiled Christ as the resurrected Life-giver. Although the term life-giver is not used in Isaiah 53:10b-11, the thought of a life-giver is implied in the seed mentioned in verse 10. That seed surely is produced by life. Thus, Christ as the Servant of Jehovah is the Life-giver so that He can produce a seed for the building up of His Body as His continuation for Jehovah’s pleasure and for His satisfaction. The Father is pleased and Christ is satisfied with the Body of Christ, which is constituted of the seed brought forth by Christ as the life-giving Spirit.

Making His Soul an Offering for Sin and Seeing a Seed

According to verse 10b, Christ made His soul an offering for sin. Sin is a common title that includes trespasses, iniquities, wrongdoings and every wrong or evil thing. Christ’s making His soul an offering for sin indicates that He was willing and volunteered to sacrifice Himself as an offering for sin. By doing this, Christ entered into resurrection, in which He produced a seed. This was His satisfaction, and this was also the Father’s pleasure.

The seed produced by Christ in His resurrection is His believers for the building up of His Body as His continuation, with which He will extend His days. Christ extended His days by producing a seed – the believers – to build up the Body of Christ, and this Body of Christ is still extending. As the Body of Christ is extending, the days of Christ also are extending.

At the end of verse 10 we are told that Christ will prosper in the pleasure of Jehovah. In the past two thousand years Christ has been very prosperous. He has been the most successful One. Although He encountered all kinds of attacks, all kinds of opposition and all kinds of troubles, no one has been able to defeat Him. Instead, He has prospered. The Lord has prospered in spreading His recovery to America, and now He is preparing to spread to Russia. That too will be Christ’s prospering. This is also the prolonging of His days. Christ still lives on this earth.

In 53:10 we are told clearly that He will prosper in the pleasure of Jehovah. The pleasure of Jehovah is to reveal Himself into us, to make us the seed of Christ, to make us a part of Christ, to make us the sons of God. This is God’s pleasure.

Isaiah 53:11 indicates that the issue of the travail of Christ’s soul refers to the many who are justified (made righteous) by knowing Christ, for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ.