2024-04-27 周六 启示基督是升天的得胜者




以赛亚五十三章十二节上半节,这里所说的掳物,指明了基督的得胜。在祂的升天里,基督与位大的和强盛的分享掳物。在整个宇宙中,惟有神是位大的,也只有神是强盛的。神也是那真正的得胜者; 祂得着了所有的掳物。祂与基督这位升天的得胜者,分享了被掳的人作掳物。



以赛亚五十三章十二节的上半节,耶和华要使祂的仆人与位大的,就是神,同分; 耶和华的仆人也要与强盛的,就是神,均分掳物。下半节告诉我们神这样作的原因: 因为祂,耶和华的仆人,将祂的命倾倒,以至于死,甘愿受死成为这样的供物; 祂也被列在罪犯之中,但祂独自担当多人的罪,又为罪犯代求。因着基督作了这些事,如今祂就有资格分享掳物。神得着这胜利,乃是藉着基督甘愿至死,甘愿被列在罪犯之中。当基督钉十字架的时候,在祂的右边和左边,钉了两个犯人(路二三32~33)。因此,祂被列在坏人中间。那对祂乃是羞辱。基督忍受了这一切,祂也担当了多人的罪。基督在十字架上,担当了我们的罪(彼前二24上)。因着这一些事,神就算祂为配,可以分享这地上属灵争战的掳物。神算祂是得胜者。


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Revealing Christ Being the Ascended Victor — Isa. 53:2b

As the Ascended Victor, Sharing the Spoil with God for His Triumphant Glory

Fourth, the prophets’ report and Jehovah’s revelation unveil Christ as the ascended Victor. Christ is the incarnated Savior, the crucified Redeemer, the resurrected Life-giver and the ascended Victor.

The mentioning of spoil in Isaiah 53:12a, or prey, here indicates Christ’s victory. In His ascension, Christ shared the captured ones with the Great and the Strong. In the whole universe, only God is great and only God is strong. God is also the real Victor; He has gained all the spoil. He and this ascended Victor, Christ, shared the captured ones as the spoil.

Ephesians 4:8-12 tells us that when Christ ascended to the height, He led captive those who were taken captive by Satan. We were sinners captured by Satan, but through His death and resurrection, Christ overcame Satan, and He captured all those who were held captive by Satan. These captives eventually became Christ’s captives, and they are the prey, the spoil. Christ brought all these captured captives to the heavens and presented them to the Father. Then the Father shared this spoil with Christ, the ascended Victor.

Jehovah Dividing to Him a Portion with the Great, and He Dividing the Spoil with the Strong

The first part of Isaiah 53:12 says that Jehovah will divide to His Servant a portion with the Great, that is, with God, and Jehovah’s Servant will divide the spoil with the Strong, that is, with God. The second part of the verse gives the reason why God would do this: because He, Jehovah’s Servant, poured out His life unto death, volunteering to die to be such an offering, and was numbered with the transgressors, yet He alone bore the sin of many and interceded for the transgressors. Because Christ did all these things, He is now qualified to share the spoil. The victory was gained by God through Christ’s volunteering to die, through Christ’s being willing to be numbered among the transgressors. When Christ was crucified, on His left and on His right two criminals were crucified with Him (Luke 23:32-33). Thus, He was numbered among these wicked ones. That was a shame to Him. Christ suffered all this, and He also bore the sin of many. On the cross, Christ bore our sins (1 Pet. 2:24a). Because of all these things God counted Him worthy to share the spoil of the spiritual war on this earth. God counted Him as the Victor.

All the recounting, all the reporting and all the revelation in this portion of the Word are in the New Testament economy. In Isaiah 53 Christ as the Servant of Jehovah is unveiled in the New Testament way. In the Old Testament, Isaiah 53 is the unique chapter that bears the color, the taste and the atmosphere of the New Testament.