2024-04-09 周二 旷野里呼喊的声音所引进



以赛亚四十章三至四节豫言了约翰对主的引进。耶和华救主,耶稣,是由施浸者约翰在旷野所呼喊的声音所引进的。在三节,豫备耶和华的道路就是豫备耶稣的道路。耶稣就是新约的耶和华。耶和华和耶稣是同一位。在旧约里,耶稣的名字是耶和华; 在新约里,耶和华的名字是耶稣。豫备耶和华的道路,就是在沙漠地修直我们神的途径。耶和华(耶稣)的道路,就是我们神的途径。这意思乃是,耶稣就是我们的神。


“一切山洼都要填满,大小山冈都要削平,弯曲的地方要修为正直,崎岖的地方要改为宽谷。豫备耶和华的道路,就是豫备我们的心。耶稣来的目的,是要进到我们的灵里; 祂要进到我们的灵里,必须经过我们的心。我们的心由四部分组成-心思、情感、意志和良心。人的心充满了山洼、大小山冈、弯曲和崎岖的地方。


在我们得救以前,我们的心是直的还是弯曲的?是平坦的还是崎岖的?在我们的心里有山洼、大小山冈、弯曲和崎岖的地方。甚至现在我们还得承认我们的心不是那么直,不是那么平; 我们的心仍是弯曲并崎岖的。途径乃是修铺好的心。我们心的每一部分和巷道,需要藉着悔改,被主修直,使主能进到我们里面,作我们的生命,并占有我们(路一17)。


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Ushered in by the Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness – Isa. 40:3-4

John’s introduction was prophesied by Isaiah in 40:3-4. Jehovah the Savior, Jesus, was ushered in by the voice of John the Baptist crying in the wilderness. In verse 3, to make clear the way of Jehovah is to make clear the way of Jesus. Jesus is the New Testament Jehovah. Jehovah and Jesus are one person. In the Old Testament, the name of Jesus is Jehovah, and in the New Testament the name of Jehovah is Jesus. To make clear the way of Jehovah is to make straight in the desert a highway for our God. The way of Jehovah, Jesus, is a highway for our God. This means that Jesus is our God.

Prepare the Way of Jehovah Is to Prepare Our Heart

Verse 4 says, “Every valley will be lifted up, / And every mountain and hill will be made low, / And the crooked places will become straight, / And the rough places a broad valley.” To prepare the way of Jehovah is to prepare our heart. Jesus comes with the intention of getting into our spirit, but to enter into our spirit, He must pass through our heart. Our heart is composed of four parts — the mind, the emotion, the will and the conscience. The human heart is full of valleys, mountains, hills, crooked places and rough places.

Heart Needs to Repent, Being Straighten by the Lord So That He May Enter into Us

Before we were saved, was our heart straight or crooked? Was it fine or rough? In our heart there were valleys, mountains, crooked places and rough places. Even now we have to confess that our heart is not that straight, not that level. Our heart is still crooked and rough. The highway is a paved heart. Every part and avenue of our heart need to be straightened by the Lord through repentance that the Lord may enter into us to be our life and take possession of us (Luke 1:17).

Our mind may be full of crooked places, and our emotion may be very rough. We may be cold toward the Lord. This is why John was crying in the wilderness to make straight in the desert a highway for our God. The human heart is like a desert full of crooked and rough places. What is our heart like? Is it straight and paved, without valleys, mountains, crooked places, or rough places? This is John the Baptist’s crying word to usher in the Savior, who is Jesus as the revealing of Jehovah God.