2024-04-11 周四 好信息—看哪,你们的神

经文:报好信息的锡安哪,你要登高山;报好信息的耶路撒冷阿,你要极力扬声;扬声不要惧怕。要对犹大的城邑说,看哪,你们的神!……祂必像牧人牧养自己的羊群,用膀臂聚集羊羔,抱在怀中。祂必引导那乳养小羊的。 (赛四十9,11,另译)




好信息的第三方面乃是主耶和华临到。祂如同大能者临到,来掌权并报应(赛四十10)。祂是掌权者,如同大能者临到,以管治我们。祂也是审判者; 祂要赏赐我们或惩罚我们。这是祂的报应,就是祂的审判。耶稣来是作救主,但在四福音里,我们也看见祂是审判者。在马太五章,主说到给国度子民的九福,但在马太二十三章,祂说出给经学家和法利赛人的八重灾祸。在祂那里,有积极一面的赏赐,也有消极一面的惩罚,就是报应。祂要审判我们。

祂这位大能者、掌权者并审判者,乃是来作牧人(赛四十11,太九36,约十2-4,11,14)。牧人照顾他的羊群时,乃是管治它们以改正它们。他的管治和改正就是他的牧养。在已过,我们可能是粗野的人,不肯听福音或神的话。但在祂的管治里,耶稣作了一些事来规律我们。祂的规律就是祂的牧养。我们许多人是因着耶稣的规律而得救的。祂的规律牧养我们,把我们带进羊群,叫我们行在正路上; 又调整我们有正确的步伐。祂调整我们不至走得太快或太慢,乃要跟着羊群的步伐。今天祂仍藉着调整来牧养我们:指引我们、禁止我们、催促我们。


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The Glad Tidings – “Here Is Your God” — Isa. 40:9

Isaiah 40:9 declares the glad tidings – “Here is your God!” This is Jehovah’s appearing. Jehovah is here, and He is your God. This is the glad tidings. If you have God, you have everything. If you have God, every problem will be solved, every lack will be supplied and every shortage will be filled. This short word – “Here is your God!” – is the glad tidings. We should pray adequately to be filled with God, to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Then when we come to the meeting, in a sense, we may not need to speak that much. Instead, we can all declare, “Here is our God!” This is the second aspect of the glad tidings.

Glad Tidings – The Lord Jehovah’s Coming

The third aspect of the glad tidings is the Lord Jehovah coming. He comes as a mighty One to rule and to recompense (Isa. 40:10). He is the Ruler who comes as a mighty One to rule over us. He is also the Judge. He will either reward us or punish us. This is His recompense, which is His judgment. Jesus came as the Savior, but in the four Gospels we also see Him as the Judge. In Matthew 5 the Lord spoke nine blessings for the kingdom people, but in Matthew 23 He spoke an eightfold woe to the scribes and Pharisees. With Him is a reward on the positive side and a punishment, which is a recompense on the negative side. He will judge us.

As the mighty One, the ruling and judging One, He comes to be a Shepherd (Isa. 40:11; Matt. 9:36; John 10:2-4, 11, 14). In a shepherd’s care for his flock, he rules over the sheep to correct them. His ruling and correcting is his shepherding. In the past, we may have been wild persons who would not listen to the gospel or to the word of God. But in His ruling, Jesus did something to regulate us. His regulating is His shepherding. Many of us were saved because of Jesus’ regulating. His regulating shepherds us to bring us into the flock, to get us on the right way and to adjust us to the proper pace. He is adjusting us not to go too fast or too slow but to take the pace of the flock. Today He is still shepherding us by adjusting us. He directs us, stops us, and urges us on.

As the Shepherd, He also feeds His flock, gathers the lambs in His arm, carries them in His bosom, and leads those who are nursing the young. Among us some are lambs and some are those who are nursing the young. Jesus, our Shepherd, takes care of His entire flock. This is surely a part of the glad tidings.