2024-04-19 周五 基督作众民的约(二)



每一个约都是法定的,约实际上乃是法定的同意书。约履行法定的要求; 若没有法定要求的履行,约就没有意义。所以约乃是公义的事。


保罗在罗马书说,福音是神的大能,使人得救(一16)。这是因为在福音上,显示了神的义(17)。神救了我们,不仅是藉着祂的爱,也不仅藉着祂的恩,更是藉着祂的义。祂的义约束祂,祂的义给我们立场来说,“神,你必须拯救我。”如果我们悔改并信入主耶稣,而神不救我们,祂就是不义的。神的儿子,我们的救主,已经为我们死了,满足了神公义的要求。那是按照律法的,所以就成全了律法。神法理上的要求,我们的救主已经按着神的公义履行了。因此,神按着祂的公义必须拯救我们; 祂必须称义我们。




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Christ As a Covenant for the People (2) – Heb. 9:15

The Covenant Is a Matter of Righteousness According to the Law

Every covenant is something legal. A covenant actually is a kind of legal agreement. It fulfills the requirement of the law. If there is no fulfillment of the requirement of the law, the covenant means nothing. The covenant is also a matter of righteousness.

God’s Salvation by His Righteousness

Paul said in Romans that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16). This is because in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed (Rom 1:17). God has saved us not only by His love and not only by His grace but also by His righteousness. His righteousness binds Him, and His righteousness gives us the ground, the standing, to say, “God, You have to save me.” If God did not save us when we repented and believed into the Lord Jesus, He would not be righteous. God’s Son, our Savior, died for us to fulfill all the requirements of God’s righteousness. That was according to the law, so the law has been fulfilled. The legal requirements of God have been fulfilled by our Savior according to God’s righteousness. Thus, God has to save us according to His righteousness. He has to justify us.

Before the death of our Savior, God could condemn us. We did not have any ground to claim any kind of justification, forgiveness and salvation. But now His death has accomplished all the requirements of God’s righteousness according to His law, so this death gives us a righteous ground. Now God has to forgive us, justify us and save us.

The Justification, the Forgiveness and the Salvation God Renders to Us Have All Been Covenanted

In Matthew 26 the Lord Jesus enacted a new covenant, saying, “For this is My blood of the covenant, which is being poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” The new covenant is the Lord’s blood, and His blood signifies His death. He died for our sins and transgressions. The symbol of His death is the blood. The blood was the very means by which He made for us the new testament with His Father. Thus, redemption, justification, forgiveness, and salvation have all been covenanted by Him through His blood. Today our salvation is a covenanted salvation.