2024-03-28 周四 耶和华的灵必安歇在他身上








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The Spirit of the Lord Will Rest Upon Him – Isa. 11:2

When Christ as the twig and the branch is here, the Spirit is here. The four Gospels show us that wherever Jesus is, the Spirit is. In the four Gospels, the twig is there, the branch is there and the Spirit is there. This Spirit is the Spirit of Jehovah, who is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, and the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of Jehovah (Isa. 11:2). The Spirit of wisdom and understanding is for the mind and is mainly related to humanity. The Spirit of counsel and might points to Jesus himself as the Wonderful Counselor who gives us counsel all the time by the Spirit. The Spirit has both counsel and might.

The Spirit is also the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of Jehovah. The fear of Jehovah goes together with the proper knowledge. Before we were saved, we were afraid of nothing because we were ignorant. From the time we were saved by the Lord, we have been receiving a spiritual education and acquiring spiritual knowledge. Today many of us can testify that we would not dare go to a movie or to other worldly and sinful places. There are many places to which we dare not go, because we have the fear of Jehovah. Someone may ask us to do something, but we dare not do it, because we have the fear of Jehovah. We dare not buy certain clothes which have the modern appearance of this age, because we fear Jehovah. We fear Jehovah because of the spiritual knowledge. Because this Spirit is of seven items – Jehovah, wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and the fear of Jehovah – we may say that he is the sevenfold intensified Spirit. These seven items depict the situation in the church. Therefore, this indicates that Christ as the twig and the branch is here with us. The Spirit is his presence.

Concerning Christ as the twig and the branch, verse 2 goes on to say, “The Spirit of Jehovah will rest upon Him, / The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, / The Spirit of counsel and might, / The Spirit of knowledge and the fear of Jehovah.” The Spirit of counsel and might here equals the wisdom and power in 1 Corinthians 1:24, which tells us that Christ is God’s wisdom and God’s power. He is the wisdom which gives counsel and the power which gives might.

The Branching out of Jehovah Is Altogether a Matter of the Spirit

The branching out of Jehovah is altogether a matter of the Spirit. Christ was born of the Spirit, meaning that he was constituted of the Spirit. Then he was baptized, anointed, with the Spirit. The Spirit was with him all the time and was one with him. He walked by the Spirit and lived a life in, with, by, and through the Spirit. The Spirit is manifested with all the attributes mentioned in this verse. Thus, the Spirit is the reality of Christ.