2024-03-26 周二 耶西的本必发嫩芽、根必生枝子(二)





大卫家这棵大树被砍倒了,但树的本和根还在。基督就是从这源头的本所发的嫩条,从根所生的枝子。王家被砍倒了,留下本和根在那里,约有六个世纪之久,从主前六○六年左右到基督出生的时候。当基督照着以赛亚七章十四节的豫言出生时,祂乃是从耶西的本所发的嫩条。没有多少人会注意到一根嫩条。耶稣乃是从耶西的本所发的嫩条; 虽然祂变得如此“微小”,但没有任何逼迫或苦难能将祂砍倒。作为从耶西的本所发的嫩条,祂是存留到永远的。



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A Twig from the Stem of Jesse and a Branch from the His Roots (2) – Isa. 11:10

Christ is a twig from the stem of Jesse and a branch from the roots of Jesse (Isa. 11:1-9). Christ is typified by a twig from the stem of a great tree which has been hewn down to the roots (cf. Isa. 10:32-34). Nearly everything concerning Israel and the house of David had been cut down. Only Jesse, David’s father, is mentioned in Isaiah 11. All that remained was Jesse, the source of David. The issue of Jesse, the house of David, had been hewn down, but the source from which David came still remained. The royal family of David, the house of David, was cut down when Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, came to conquer Judah and subdue Israel. He destroyed the holy city, Jerusalem, and the holy temple. He captured the royal family of David, including the king and his family, and carried them away to Babylon. This was meant to be the termination of the royal family of David.

The Big Tree of the House of David Was Hewn Down, but the Stem with the Roots Was Still There

The big tree of the house of David was hewn down, but the stem with the roots was still there. Christ came out of this source as a twig from the stem and as a branch from the roots. The royal family was cut down, leaving the stem with the roots there for approximately six centuries, from about 606 B.C. to the time Christ was born. When Christ was born as prophesied in Isaiah 7:14, he was the twig from the stem of Jesse. Not many people would pay attention to a twig. Jesus was a twig from the stem of Jesse. Although he became so “small,” no amount of persecution or suffering could put him down. As the twig from the stem of Jesse, he remains forever.

Christ’s Coming in Incarnation as the Twig Was the Revival of David’s Deprived Royal Family

Christ’s coming in incarnation as the twig was the revival of David’s deprived royal family. David’s royal family was deprived to such an extent that there was hardly anything left of it. But one day in God’s incarnation, a child was born to David’s family. Both Mary and Joseph were descendants of David. Out of Mary a twig was born. David’s “hewn down” royal family was revived at the birth of that twig.