2024-03-11 周一 在荣耀里之基督的异象










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The Vision of Christ in Glory – Isaiah 6:1

Christ Is Sitting on a High and Lofty Throne in Glory

In 6:1-7 we have a vision of Christ in glory. In spite of the rebellion, iniquities and corruptions of Israel, his chosen and beloved people, Christ is still sitting on a high and lofty throne in glory. These verses indicate that no matter what the situation might be on earth and regardless of the corruption and degradation among God’s people, Christ is still on the throne in his glory.

When Isaiah looked at the situation among the children of Israel, he became very disappointed. For this reason, in the first five chapters of his prophecy, he had very little to say that was good about the children of Israel. It was at this point that the Lord brought him into a vision so that he could see the Lord of glory sitting on the throne. The Lord seemed to say to Isaiah, “Don’t look down at the situation. If you look down, you will be disappointed. Look up at Me. I am still here. There may be nothing good there, but everything is good here. I am the unique good thing in the universe. Look at Me.”

The people had become fallen, but Christ and his throne remained the same in his glory. On this earth, everything changes and fluctuates, but Christ remains the same today and forever (Heb. 13:8).

Therefore, in the church life, we need to learn not to look down at the situation but to look up to Christ. We should not look at anything or anyone other than Christ. The Christ whom we look up to is no longer on the cross; today Christ is on the throne.

The Train of Christ’s Robe Still Filling the Temple

The train of Christ’s robe still filled the temple. Christ’s long robe signifies Christ’s splendor in his virtues. Whereas glory refers mainly to God, splendor refers mainly to man. The splendor of Christ in his virtues is expressed mainly in and through his humanity.

We may desire to go to heaven to see Christ’s glory in his divinity, but in Isaiah’s vision this Christ in glory is full of splendor in his human virtues. When we see Christ in his glory, we will see him mainly in his humanity, which is full of virtues. All Christ’s virtues are bright and shining, and this shining is his splendor. Christ’s glory is in his divinity, and his splendor is in his humanity.