2024-03-19 周二 万国都要因祂得福









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All the Nations of the Earth Shall Be Blessed – Gal. 3:16

To Blessed the Called

God promised to bless Abraham (Gen 12:2). What is this blessing? It is the blessings of God’s creation and redemption, including all that God wants to give man – God himself and all that he has in this age and in the age to come.

Galatians 3:14 shows us that this blessing eventually is the promise of the Spirit: “That the blessing of Abraham might come to the nations in Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Since the Spirit is God himself, this means that God promised that he would give himself to Abraham as the blessing.

According to Galatians 3:14, the promise God gave to Abraham was that God himself would become Abraham’s descendant. This descendant would become a blessing to all nations by becoming an all-inclusive Spirit for mankind to receive. God blessed Abraham and eventually produced Christ, the unique descendant, through whom all nations on earth will be blessed. All believers in Christ are members of the corporate body of Christ and are included in this descendant, becoming heirs who inherit the blessings promised by God.

All the Nations of the Earth Shall Be Blessed

God not only promised that he himself would be a blessing to Abraham, but that Abraham would be a blessing to all the families, all the nations, of the earth (Gen. 12:3). In his calling, God turned from Adam to Abraham. This meant that he had given up the Adamic race. But, in his promise, God made another turn from Abraham back to all the families of the Adamic race through Christ, the seed of Abraham (Gal. 3:14). This is very meaningful. Firstly, God turned from Adam to Abraham and, eventually, he turned from Abraham through Christ back to the created race. By this new turn we all were captured. By this U-turn all of the called ones from the nations have been gathered in.

Let me say a word about our attitude toward the Jews. Never mistreat the Jewish people. If you read history, you will find that during the past twenty-five centuries, from the time that Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the city of Jerusalem until now, every country, people, race or individual that has cursed the Jewish people has received a curse. However, whoever blesses the Jewish people receives a blessing. No leader in history died in such a pitiful way as Hitler did. Hitler died in that way because he was cursed for his cursing of the Jewish people. Since the United States is helping the nation of Israel today, surely the United States is under God’s blessing. This is not my opinion. This is according to God’s promise in Genesis 12:3.