2024-03-16 周六 向消极的人作绊脚的石头、跌人的磐石、圈套和网罗








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A Stone to Strike Against a Rock of Stumbling, a Trap and a Snare to the Negative Ones – Isa. 8:14

A Stone to Strike Against and a Rock of Stumbling

Isaiah was very honest and faithful to show us what Christ is to both the positive and negative ones. To the positive ones, he is an all-inclusive sanctuary. To the negative ones, he is a stone to strike against, a rock of stumbling, a trap, and a snare.

The Pharisees and the Jewish leaders struck against Christ as a stone (Matt. 21:44a), and the unbelieving ones stumbled at Christ as a rock (1 Pet. 2:7-8; 1 Cor. 1:22-23). Christ was despised by the Pharisees and Jewish leaders. Because they despised him, they struck against him but could not move him. Instead, he became a stumbling stone to them (Rom. 9:33), and they fell upon him (Matt. 21:44a). Many negative ones throughout the centuries have been stumbled by Christ.

A Trap and a Snare

Christ is also revealed in Isaiah 8:14 as a trap and a snare. He is a trap for the negative ones as the running animals and a snare for the negative ones as the flying fowls. A lion cannot be snared; it must be trapped. A bird, on the other hand, must be snared. The Pharisees and the Jewish leaders can be likened to the running animals who were trapped by the Lord Jesus. They attempted to trap the Lord Jesus, but instead he became a trap to them. Matthew 22 records how the Pharisees, the Herodians and the Sadducees worked together to confront him with questions, doing their best to trap him. They were like hunters, hunting together to trap Jesus. After answering all of their questions and avoiding their traps, Jesus asked them one question. Through that one question, he trapped all of them. Christ was a trap to these ones.

Anyone who thinks that he is more clever or wiser than Jesus will eventually suffer. To the negative ones, the unbelievers, Christ is a stone to strike against and to fall upon. He is a rock of stumbling to those who do not regard him. He is also a trap and a snare to catch those who are negative. No one can escape from Christ. Everyone has something to do with Christ and is related to Christ. We can either be a positive one toward him or a negative one toward him. To the positive ones he is a sanctuary. We can live in him as our sanctuary, and in him we can receive him as our bountiful provision and all-inclusive supply. To the negative ones, however, the unbelieving ones, he is a stone to strike against, a rock of stumbling, a trap and a snare. One day everyone will have to stand before him to pass through his judgment. Even we Christians will have to appear before the judgment seat of Christ after our rapture to the air (2 Cor. 5:10). At that time we will have to give an account to him concerning our life and service.