2024-03-15 周五 向积极的人作圣所(二)










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Sanctuary to the Positive Ones (2) – Rev. 21:3

God-man Christ Being the Inner Temple of God

When Jesus came out to minister, he told the Jewish people that he was God’s temple (John 2:19, 21). The God-man, Christ, is the inner temple of God. In John 1 he is God’s tabernacle; in John 2 he is God’s temple. The book of Isaiah, written about seven hundred years before the incarnation of Christ, prophesied that this coming One would be the sanctuary of God’s chosen people for them to live with God, taking God as their roommate.

When we enjoy him as our dwelling place and as our roommate, we have light, air, water, food, and everything that we need. When I am away from my home, the place where I stay may have many things, but it does not have what I have at home to meet my needs. There is no place on earth as good as our home. Whenever I return to my home, I have a feeling of “home, sweet home”. Our home today is a person – Christ, who is also God’s dwelling place.

Consummated as the Enlarged Tabernacle and Temple of God – the New Jerusalem

In the New Testament, we are made a part of this sanctuary, so in the Epistles we are told that we are God’s temple (1 Cor. 3:16). Christ as the Head and we as the members of his Body are the temple of God. Eventually, this temple will consummate in the New Jerusalem, the enlarged, extended sanctuary of God. Christ with all the members of his Body will be consummated as the enlarged tabernacle and temple of God – the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2-3, 22).

In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus charges us to abide in him (John 15:5). The word abide means not only to remain but also to dwell. In John 14:23 the Lord said, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him.” The abode is the dwelling place. This is a mutual abode for the Triune God to abide in the believers and for the believers to abide in him. Eventually, the conclusion of the divine revelation is the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is the aggregate of God and man living together.

Prophecy in the Book of Isaiah

It is amazing that seven hundred years before Christ was born, Isaiah prophesied that this One, who is Jehovah’s Shoot to branch out Jehovah, in his divinity, into humanity, would be the sanctuary of all his chosen ones. When we are in God as our sanctuary, enjoying him as our roommate, we see him everywhere. He is our sunshine, our drinking water, our food and our air for us to breathe. We enjoy God in all these aspects when we dwell in him as our sanctuary, our dwelling place.