2024-03-07 周四 基督是以马内利








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Christ is Immanuel — Matt. 1:22-23

The Shoot of Jehovah and the Fruit of the Earth

There is a pair of aspects of Christ in Isaiah 4:2 – the Shoot of Jehovah and the Fruit of the earth. In this pair there is a comparison. “The Shoot” is in comparison to “the Fruit” and “Jehovah” is in comparison to “the earth.” The title Immanuel includes “Jehovah” and “the earth” because it means God with us, that is, God with man. God is eternal and man came from the earth. The Fruit of the earth refers to a man made from the dust (Gen. 2:7). John 1:1 says that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. Then verse 14 says that the Word became flesh. Christ as God came from eternity, but as man he came from the earth, so he is the Shoot of Jehovah and also the Fruit of the earth.

The Branching Out of Jehovah God in His Divinity into Humanity

The Shoot of Jehovah is a new development of Jehovah God for his increase and spreading through his incarnation. Christ as the Shoot of Jehovah is for the branching out of Jehovah God, in his divinity, into humanity (John 1:14). When Jehovah God branched himself out, he did it in his divinity to branch himself into humanity. Before Jesus was born, our unlimited God was existing merely in the territory of his divinity. He did not possess humanity before his incarnation. Approximately two thousand years ago, God was incarnated. In that incarnation, he branched himself out in his divinity into humanity. From the year of Christ’s birth, our God is in both divinity and humanity. This is the difference between the unbelieving Jews’ God and our God. Their God is merely in divinity without any element of humanity, but the God we Christians have is One who is in divinity and in humanity. Jesus is the incarnated God, the complete God and the perfect Man.

Immanuel – God with Us

Jesus was the divine title given by God. Jesus means Jehovah the Savior, or Jehovah the salvation. Immanuel, meaning God with us, was the name called by man. According to our experience of Jesus, we have to call him Immanuel, which means God with man. Our Jesus is the God-man. He is both God and man, both divine and human. For God to be in humanity is his spreading, his branching out, from one territory to another territory. Today our God exists in two territories – divinity and humanity. Our God today is both divine and human.