2024-03-05 周二 耶和华的苗和地的果子(一)








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The Jehovah’s Shoot and the Fruit of the Earth (1) – Isa. 4:1-2

The Ushering in of the God-man, Christ, Issuing in the Restoration of the Nation of Israel

According to 4:2, the ushering in of Christ will be “in that day,” that is, in the day of the coming restoration of the nation of Israel. Verse 1 says, “Seven women will grasp / One man in that day, /…/ Just let us bear your name; / Take our reproach away.” These women are in reproach because they do not have a man to lead them, and they want to bear the name of a man so that their reproach might be taken away. Its significance is that it is a link between God’s judgment and Christ. As verse 2 indicates, the lack with these women is not that they are short of a leader but that they are short of Christ as the Shoot of Jehovah and as the Fruit of the earth. Verse 2 reveals that to these women who have escaped, Christ as the Shoot of Jehovah will be beauty and glory, and Christ as the Fruit of the earth will be excellence and splendor. This is the ushering in of Christ.

The Shoot of Jehovah (Divinity) and the Fruit of the Earth (Humanity)

In 4:2 there are two striking expressions: the Shoot of Jehovah and the Fruit of the earth. These two are one pair, illustrating Christ’s two natures: the divine nature and the human nature. The Shoot of Jehovah refers to Christ’s deity, showing his divine nature, and the Fruit of the earth refers to Christ’s humanity with his human nature. As the Shoot of Jehovah, Christ comes out of God. As the Fruit of the earth, Christ, having a human body made of dust, grows out of the earth.

In the book of Isaiah, Christ is unveiled as the God-man, the Shoot of Jehovah with beauty and glory and the Fruit of the earth with excellence and splendor. In the restoration, to those of Israel who have escaped, Christ in his deity will be beauty and glory, and in his humanity he will be excellence and splendor.

The Shoot of Jehovah denotes that Christ is a new development of Jehovah God for the Triune God to branch out himself in his divinity into humanity. This is for Jehovah God’s increase and spread in the universe. The Fruit of the earth denotes that Christ, as the divine Shoot of Jehovah, also becomes a man of flesh from the earth. This is for the Triune God to be multiplied and reproduced in humanity. As a man with the divine life, he is a seed, a grain of wheat, to produce many grains through his death and resurrection (John 12:24). These grains are the believers, i.e., his many brothers.