2024-02-07 周三 被立为主为基督









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Made Him Both Lord and Christ – Act:2:36

In verse 36 Peter declares, “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made Him both Lord and Christ – this Jesus whom you crucified.” As God, the Lord was the Lord all the time (Luke 1:43; John 11:21; 20:28). But as man, he was made the Lord in his ascension after he brought his humanity into God in his resurrection. And as God’s sent and anointed One, he was Christ from the time he was born (Luke 2:11; Matt. 1:16; John 1:41; Matt. 16:16). But as such a One, he was also officially made the very Christ of God in his ascension. The Lord was made Lord, as the Lord of all, to possess all; and he was made Christ, as God’s Anointed (Heb. 1:9), to carry out God’s commission.

Jesus was made the Lord to possess all, and he was made the Christ to carry out God’s commission. As God, the Lord Jesus was already the Lord, and in his divinity there was no need for him to be made Lord. Nevertheless, in his ascension he, as a man, was made the Lord of all by God. God made Jesus the Lord of all to possess all things, including us.

The Lord Jesus was also Christ, even from eternity. Furthermore, he was born as the Christ (Luke 2:11). However, in his ascension he was officially made the Christ of God. This means that in his ascension God inaugurated him officially into the office of the Christ. God had already appointed him, but in his ascension he still inaugurated him into his office as the Christ to carry out God’s commission.

Act 2:14-47 is the first case of the speaking of Christ by the believers. In his speaking, Peter presents to us the Man Jesus and witnesses to us concerning him. Peter’s emphasis here is not on the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. Rather, in these chapters Peter stresses that the Lord Jesus is a man. The reason for this emphasis is that the Jews crucified Christ as a man, regarding him merely as a despised man, a Nazarene, a person of low estate. Therefore, Peter said that the One regarded by the Jews as a lowly Nazarene was approved by God in all that he did.

Christ’s Propagation and Church Life

As we shall see, Peter’s speaking of Christ produced the propagation of Christ. On the day of Pentecost this propagation included the three thousand souls who were saved. Such a propagation was the result, the issue, of Peter’s speaking concerning Christ. From this we see that the speaking of Christ surely leads to the propagation of Christ in those who believe in him. Furthermore, the believers as Christ’s propagation become the church. Therefore, in chapter two we see that the speaking of Christ produced a church in Jerusalem. In this chapter we have both the propagation of Christ and the church life.