2024-01-27 周六 山羊的结局—进入永火

经文:然后祂又要对那左边的说,你们这被咒诅的,离开我,进入那为魔鬼和他的使者所豫备的永火里去……这些人要往永远的刑罚里去,那些义人却要往永远的生命里去。(太二十五41, 46,另译)







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The Ending of the Goats — Entering into the Lake of Fire — Matt. 25:41

The Goats Entering into the Eternal Fire Prepared for the Devil and His Angels

The fire in verse 41 is the fire in the lake of fire (Rev. 20:14-15). The “goats” will perish in the lake of fire after Antichrist and the false prophet (Rev. 19:20) and before the Devil and the resurrected sinners (Rev. 20:10, 15). This is part of the fulfillment of Revelation 14:10. The lake of fire was prepared for the Devil and his angels, not for man. However, if any man follows the Devil to oppose the Lord, he will share the lake of fire with the Devil and the fallen angels.

The Sheep Inherits the Kingdom Prepared for Them from the Foundation of the World

The sheep will receive the kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world. But the Christians who will be kings during the millennium will receive what was predestinated from before the foundation of the world. The portion of the sheep will be simply to enjoy what God has created from the foundation of the world. In the millennial kingdom, there will be a heavenly part and an earthly part. The heavenly part will be the manifestation of the kingdom, the kingdom of the Father. The Jews will be in the center of the earthly part as the priests, and around the Jews there will be the sheep, the saved nations, as the people. We, the overcoming believers, will share in the spiritual enjoyment of Christ and in all the heavenly blessings. Our enjoyment will be heavenly, spiritual and divine. But the enjoyment of the “sheep,” the restored nations, will not be heavenly or spiritual. Rather, it will be the blessing God gave men when he created the earth, the blessing lost by Adam’s fall. I am glad that we are in the best category, the category of the kings. The Jews will be in the earthly part, but we shall be in the heavenly part. Our portion will be to exercise authority over the nations.


In the prophecy of the kingdom neither the section concerning the Jews nor the section concerning the gentiles is related to life. But the section concerning the believers, the church, is very much concerned with life. As we have pointed out, we need to be faithful, watchful and ready, and we need to be wise and prudent. All these are indications that we must be full of life. Life is with us. Hallelujah, we are the life people!