2024-01-12 周五 属灵的恩赐








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Spiritual Gifts – Matt 25:15

Parable of Talents Regarding the Aspect of Our Service

The kingdom of the heavens indicates that this parable of the talents, like the parable of the ten virgins, is also concerning the kingdom of the heavens. The man here signifies Christ, who was going into another country, that is, into the heavens. The slaves signify believers in the aspect of service. As we have seen, the status of the believers in their relationship toward Christ is of two aspects: in life they are the virgins living for him; in service, in work, they are his purchased slaves serving him.

We Need Talents for Service – Spiritual Gifts

Verse 15 says, “And to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one; to each according to his own ability.” A talent is the largest unit of weight, was worth 6,000 denarii.While oil in the parable of the virgins signifies the Spirit of God, talents in this parable signify spiritual gifts (Eph. 4:8; Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 12:4; 1 Pet. 4:10; 2 Tim. 1:6). For life we need oil, the Spirit of God, even his fullness, that we may be enabled to live the virgin life for the Lord’s testimony; for service, for work, we need the talent, the spiritual gift, that we may be equipped as a good slave for the accomplishment of the Lord’s work. The fullness of the Spirit in life is for us to use the spiritual gift in service, and the spiritual gift in service matches the fullness of the Spirit in life that we may be perfected as members of Christ.

Lord Delivered His Possessions to Us, We Received the Talents in Burden

Verse 14 says that the man gave his slaves his possessions, but verse 15 says that he gave them talents. This indicates that the talents in verse 15 are the possessions in verse 14. In other words, the Lord uses his possessions as talents for us. For example, the gospel is the Lord’s possession. But when it is given to us, it becomes our talent. Likewise, the truth is the Lord’s possession. But when the truth is given to us, it becomes a talent. In the same principle, all the believers are the Lord’s possessions. When the believers are given to us, they become our talents. The more of his possessions the Lord gives to us, the more talents we shall have. In like manner, the more the Lord burdens us, the more talents we shall have. Many Christians know that in this parable the talents are gifts. However, they do not know that the source of the gifts is the Lord’s possessions. Today the Lord’s possessions primarily are the gospel, the truth, the believers and the church.