2024-01-04 周四 勾引一个人入教










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To Make One Proselyte – Matthew 23:15

Being a Hypocrite and Losing the Truth from God

There has always been a problem here, did they really know that they were hypocrites? The Lord said that you had traveled the sea and the dry land. In other words, you were very burdened to preach the gospel to the whole world. But after some one became a believer, you made them the son of Gehenna. Namely, they were even worse than you because you still had more or less some truth from God. However, you spreaded the words, your disciples may not necessarily have the truth from God and they would unknowingly become a group of men who had no reality and could only shout slogans.

To Cause a Person to Change Their Affiliation and Become a Member of the Denomination to Which They Belong

I never believe that the scribes would say that I was a hypocrite, or Pharisees would say that I was a hypocrite. But what the Lord Jesus said to them was, you were trying to make one proselyte. For example: I’m originally a Baptist, and now I’m with this group of men. I was originally a Presbyterian, and now I’m with this group of men. The faith has not changed, I still believe in Jesus and still have Jesus, but my affiliation has changed.

The Lord rebuked them for seducing one into Christianity. “To seduce one into Christianity” is better translated as “to make one change their affiliation (belief) and become a member of the sect to which they belong”. The Lord Jesus was talking about seduction here. Seduction is spending a lot of time and energy to decorate oneself, i.e., I make something that makes me more attractive.

Brothers, Christians can do many things if they are not careful. Each of us has our own way, and various Christians also have various ways. But the Lord Jesus said here, be cautious. You may convince a person in your own way, but after you convince him, he may not necessarily have the Lord. Thus you make him join the religion group and become a son of Gehenna. In other words, he will still be judged. He thought he had gained it, but in the end he didn’t.

No Affiliation Other Than Christ

We want to bring people into Christ and give them the Lord, rather than leading them into a lifestyle. We should not pay more attention to these things than to have the Lord. Paying attention to gain the Lord and enjoy the Lord; paying attention to the presence of the Lord, and paying attention to the fact that each of us is a person who abides in Christ.